E. Dannielle Slaughter

Ringling College of Art + Design
Fine Arts- 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sketches for drawings in progress:

Press Release

Ringling College Galleries announces the opening of: The Second Coming

Featuring the work of Senior Fine Art Majors:

Brittney Hollinger, E. Dannielle Slaughter, Paul Link

Opening reception in Crossley Gallery: Friday, October 29, 2010 from 5:00 - 9:00 p.m.

The exhibition will continue Monday, November 1 through Friday, November 5, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

The artists' statements:

Brittney Hollinger

"I create flat social situations that explore some types of personal-to-public memory intervention using several varieties of two-dimensional media. When making these scenes I intend to establish a dialog between figures of different origins (Mostly Parties) by placing them in the same literal or conceptual space."

E. Dannielle Slaughter

"Starting from the actual and observed and adding non-existent fantastical elements I combine them creating a non-archival experience with documented evidence. I like to break down my observations and put them in an order that makes sense to me. I am looking to discover theresponses of others when I show them a playful spectacle of events and the artifacts and documentation of those events.

The way in which I approach my work often comes from humor and play with the tangible. I started with wanting my work to be indefinable by medium but have begun to realize that I really just want to combine many traditional mediums into one piece exploring my concepts in a variety of sensory experiences."

Paul Link

"Currently my work is about the visceral aspects of painting and how they relate to the world around me and my inability to deal with it in a satisfactory way. My intent is to use aggressive mark making and mostly arbitrary color choices with a literal hands-on approach in response tothe preponderance of digital media in our culture. I believe digital media can accomplish things that traditional media cannot and vice versa. However, at this moment in time, on the world stage as it exists, for me, it seems work informed by the blatant emotionalism and naive intensity of both German Expressionism and Abstract Expressionism can best demonstratethe chronic, territorial self indulgence of the walking nervous breakdown that is both the planet and my life."



Tuesday Sept 7th- Individual Critique with Kim- antwerp show work/beginning of semester work
Thursday Sept 9th- Individual Critique with Nathan- antwerp show work/beginning of semester work
October 7th- Group Critique with Kris and Paul- plans for sculptures and video work
October 26th- Group Critique with Paul and Brittney- senior thesis show work
October 29th- Senior Thesis Show with Brittney and Paul
November 4th- Individual Critique with Nathan and Ryan- Senior thesis show work
November 5th- Individual Critique with Kim- Senior thesis show work
December 9th- Group Critique with Nathan and thesis class- Prep for orals.

Studio visits with Visiting Artists:
Harmony Hammond
Jesse Bransford
Andrew Atkinson
Chris Gentile

Submitted or In process for Submission Proposals:

Art takes Miami: http://www.arttakesmiami.com/edannielleslaughter
Graduate Schools:
Hunter College
Columbia University
Chicago Art Institute
Cal Arts
University of Louisville